
We began our business operations in Russia in 1999.
Hundreds of successfully completed projects substantiate our local knowledge and expertise across multiple industries
We work to help our clients and employees to be successful. Our specialists have internationally recognized qualifications: MBA, ACCA, CPA, CFA and other diplomas.

In addition to working to the highest professional standards, Bellerage also pays special attention to confidentiality, corporate ethics and social responsibility. The open and friendly environment in our company is appreciated by clients and employees alike.

All our team is fully dedicated to providing customized and practical solutions for our strategic partners – our clients.
Bellerage is certified under the ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2022 quality management standard
Alexander Bykov
Managing Partner

Master’s Degree in Computer Modeling of Complex Systems from the Moscow Aviation University 

MBA in Finance from the California State University (Hayward)

6 years’ experience in banking (ERP development, correspondent accounts, product and technology development)

Since 1999 – Managing Partner at Bellerage

Marina Golubentseva

Master’s Degree in Accounting and Audit from the St. Petersburg University of Technology 

Executive MBA in Finance from the University of Antwerp Management School (UAMS, Belgium)

10 years’ experience at Telenor CIS as Chief Accountant / CFO

4 years’ experience at A-Pressen EEMA as BoD member and Head of Audit Committee 

Since 2007 – Partner at Bellerage

Chet Bowling

LLB and LLM from the Russian People’s Friendship University

MBA from the Business School of Kingston University (UK)

More than 5 years’ experience in Financial Brokerage (work with Troika Dialog, UFG, Aton and others) 

1999 – Founder and Managing Partner of Alinga Consulting

Since 2019 – Partner at Bellerage

Inna Sidorova

Specialist's Degree in Production management and organization from the Moscow State University of Technology

From 2017 - HR Director at Bellerage

From 2020 - Director of Client Relations and Marketing at Bellerage

From 2022 - Partner at Bellerage

Alexander Safiulin
Alexander Filinov
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Bellerage Online©
Technological Leadership in Financial Outsourcing

Bellerage Online© is a tool for quick and efficient interaction with your outsourcing partner. Monitor financial and administrative processes from anywhere in the world 24/7.

Accessible via web or mobile app, our unique platform allows you to:

  • Communicate with your consultant, create requests and rate our services in real-time,
  • Submit documents for processing,
  • Access your online library with all documents,
  • Sign documents with an e-signature,
  • Automate and control the internal business processes of your company
  • Analyze your financial figures using dynamic online reports

Bellerage Online© is free for our clients and available to an unlimited number of users - from operational staff to headquarter representatives. Available in an English and Russian version.


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